At Avantika Puri, Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya made his seat by the banks of the Gomati lake under a pipal Tree. After bathing in ;the chipra river, he said to Damala, “This place is sacred to Lord Shiva. To uplift the divine souls here, I should speak the Shirmad Bhagavatam. The only problem I foresee is that there is no shady place to hold the discourse. Damala replied, “If you want, you can make a forest so to find one tree should not be very difficult.”
Where Shri Mahaprabhuji made his seat there was a very small pipal tree. The guru sprinkled it with some water he used in his prayers and said, “Here the Shrimad Bhagavatam will be spoken.”
Early the next morning, after Shri Mahaprabhuji had taken his bath he noticed a huge shady pipal tree in the place where he had sprinkled the water the previous day. Taking his seat under the tree he began the “saptah”. The local prople who came to bath in the Gomati lake were very surprised to see the huge tree which had grown ;to be several hundred years old in the course of a single night. The Mayavadians who lived there heard of Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya’s arrival but were afraid to even stir out.
Lord Shiva had two great devotees there. One day, after Shiva had gone to hear Shri Mahaprabhuji he told two of his close followers, “It was the Lord’s wish for me to incarnate as Shankaracharya in order to establish the theory of the Mayavada, but now it is the Supreme Lord’s wish to show the supremacy of devotion. The Lord has incarnated as Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya and tomorrow I will go hear him. Accompany me if you wish.”
After the reading of the Shrimad Bhagavatam was completed, Shri Mahaprabhuj request Shiva to call all the Mayavadians for a religious debate and that night Shiva appeared in all the Mayavadians dreams and told them to fearlessly face Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya. The following day, they all came and Shiva secretly took his seat to watch the debate. Shri Mahaprabhuj proved to everyone there that Brahmavada was the essence of Vedic thought and the Mayavadians received initiation from Shri Mahaprabhuji. Seeing this pastime, Lord Shiva privately apporoached Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya and said, “I thought that you would defeat them through scriptural debate, but you were victorious over the Mayavadians through your own divinity.”
Shri Mahaprabhuji explained, “When Ramunaja Acharya debated against you when you manifested as Shankar Acharya, Shankars Acharya had five faces fwhile Shri Ramunaja, having a thousand faces defeated him. Today, because you did not enlighte them, I had to answer all their question with a single answer.”
There, Shri Mahaprabhuji instilled in the hearts of many people love for Shri Krishna before proceeding to puskar. |