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Pushti Marg

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“Always reflect on Hari’s form with conviction. See and touch Him directly. Always make every movement for Him.”Shri Vallabhacharya (Nirodha Lakshana).

The Beloved appears according to the devotional sentiments of the bhakta. In the Path of Grace, Shri Krishna appears in innumerable ways to fulfill the devotional desires of his bhaktas. He is the Lord of Sweetness and makes everything sweet. Shri Krishna’s form, Lila and inner mood are only accessible when the mind and heart become bound to Him. The worship of Shri Krishna’s Svarupa (the adoration of His divine form) , allows the sensitive bhakta a rare chance to experience Him within this world. Blessed bhaktas are nirguna, that is, they live beyond the effects of the material creation and are full of His divine presence.

If God remained abstract, there would be no place to garland Him. If He had no feet, how could He run with the cows? If He had no face, then there would be nothing to look forward to. In the Path of Grace, the transcendent becomes a child of a lover and then plays with bhakta. The supreme reward is to experience Shri Krishna here, with God-given senses. Shri Krishna is a house holder and enjoys living with the devotional family where everything is dedicated to Him. His bhaktas live on His prasada, His free flowing grace. The Supreme may be infinite, without beginning or end, but He takes on a delightful form for the sake of His bhaktas. In their company Shri Krishna becomes complete.

All of the Shri Krishna Svarupas in the Path of Grace are equally Krishna. The man Krishna Svarupas of Shri Gusainji’s household are still worshipped in northern India with great devotion and detail by his descendants. These Krishna Svarupas vary in size, color, forma and Lila, but they all share a common connection to Shri Vallabhacharya and his son Shri Gusainji. Shri Gusainji established them with his seven sons. They are all self-manifested Svarupas and appeared either from fire, water or earth. They have provided numerous divine souls with direct divine experiences and to have their darshan is indeed auspicious.

Shri Gusainji presented his oldest son Shri Girdidharji with three Krishna svarupas, Shri Nathji, Shri Navanitpriyaji and Shri Mathuranathji. Shri Gusainji’s other sons, Shri Govindraiji, Shri Balkrishnalalji, Shri Gokulnathji, Shri Raghunathji, Shri Yadunathji and Shri Ghan Shyamji Each received one Krishna Svarupa for their personal worship.

The sons of Shri Girdharji became head of two Pushti houses. Shree Murlidharji did Leela-Pravesh at an early age. It was Shreenathji’s wish that He reside with Shri Girdharji’s second son, Shri Damodarji. Shri Damodarji received the worship of Shreenathji and the Child Krishna form of Shri Navanitpriyaji. He was enthroned on the highest seat of the lineage. To this day, his descendants are called Tilkayats, the heads of the Pushti lineage. Shreenathji’s temple, the only temple Shri Vallabhacharya ever established, is considered to be the main temple of lineage.

Shree Gopinathji, the younger son of Shri Girdharji was presented with Shri Mathranathji and became the head of the first seat. Shri Gusainji’s other six sons became the heads of their own seats. Today these eight lineages are each lead by the descendants of Shri Gusainji’s seven sons and their ancestral homes house the main Krishna Svarupas. They are centers of Pushti Margiya lineage, worship and culture. Each home has its own unique form of Shri Krishna and modes of worship vary from house to house, for Shri Krishna interacts with His bhaktas in infinite ways. Now hear about the main Svarupas in Shri Vallabhacharya’s Path of Grace.
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