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Shri Giridharji’s seat is at Shri Gokul in Shri Gusainji’s seat opposite To where Shri Gusainji was seated Once Shri Gusainji thought that no mayawadi* is coming to me & I cannot go for Prithvi Parikrama & there are lots of mayawadi around & they might create problems in future. At that time Shri Giridharji came & bowed to Gusainji asked what was he thinking?” Then Gusainji told “No Mayawadi is to be seen in front of me” Then Giridhaji said “Maharaj How can a human sit in front of God, if you permit, can I sit in front of you? But please always pour your kindness & blessing on me. Then Gusainji agreed & They both started discussions. Shri Giridharji spoke in favour of mayawadi & Shri Gusainji went on giving answers. On this argument Vidhwamandan Granth was produced. That time Shri Gusainji was very pleased on Shri Giridharji.
(* One who believes that that the whole world is an illusion)
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