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Shri Dwarkanathji is a four –armed dark Krishna Svarupa. Shri Dwarkadhish appeared in ancient times from the Bindu Lake and was worshipped by the sage Kapildevaji. During the times of Shri Vallabhacharya, the Blessed Lord appeared to the tailor Narayana in a dream and told him to retrieve His Svarupa from a broken shrine at Mount Abu in Rajasthan. Later Shri Vallabhacharya instructed Damodardas Sambharval to obtain Shri Dwarkadhish from the tailor Narayana and to begin His seva.

The Lila of Shri Dwarkanathji appears when He plays hide-and-seek with Shri Radha and the other Gopis. Shri Gusainji explains, “When Shri Krishna danced with the Gopis, the form of Shri Dwarkanathji suddenly appeared to them by the banks of the Yamuna river. Then Shri Dwarkadhish, with His tow lotus hands, covered Shri Svamini’s eyes and then manifested two additional hands and pleased Her with His flute playing. Shri Dwarkadhish’s lila is filled with nectar.”

Shri Dwarkanathji’s lower right hand holds a lotus, which is considered to be Radha’s palm trying to push Shri Krishna’s hand away from her eye. His upper right hand holds a mace, and is said to represent Radha’s hand moving up to embrace Him. The upper left hand holds a discus, representing the impressions left by Radha’s bracelets during her embrace. The lower left hand holds a conch. It reminds Shri Krishna of Radha’s neck. Shri Dwarkanathji was returned to Shri Vallabhacharya and later when all of the seven images were distributed, Shri Dwarkanathji was presented to Shri Gusainji’s third son Shri Balkrishnaji.

During the times of Aurangzeb, Shri Dwarkanathji was moved to Ahmedabad in 1670 A.D. and then installed in a palatial mansion in Kankaroli Rajasthan near Nathdvara in 1720 A.D. where He has remained ever since.

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